They say, "silence is the food for the soul", and I agree. There's something about being still, covered in total silence, that helps us see ourselves more clearly.
In today's fast paced life, who really has the time for it? But then it's akin to saying that you don't have time to fuel up your car because you are too busy driving it. At some point, the car will stop and you will feel lost. It's the same with our "self.' It needs to be nourished and you need a regular maintenance system to keep it going.
Think of the best moments of your life. Chances are that you will remember the moment when you reflected on your happiness. When you savored what you really loved. That is the moment which you truly saved within your system.
In that sense, I believe that happiness is always lived in "retrospect." Sure, we experience a lot of happiness (or even sadness) in our day to day life, but the moment you think you are "happy or sad", that moment just passed!
And perhaps, that's why, it's important to reflect on what makes/made us happy/sad and this can only be done in silence.
In fact, I think silence is the biggest luxury these days! Think about it, when do you really have the time to be still and silent. From morning to night, you are surrounded by noise. And worse, we get addicted to sound/noise - be it music or any other sound. Also, we meet so many people and greet them throughout the day, but do we meet and greet ourselves everyday?
Silence disturbs us, because when you are silent, you really come face to face with your soul. It asks questions, demands you to look within and try to find some answers.
So how about making silence a friend? How about we stop running from it and make a proactive effort to be silent for a few minutes everyday. To reflect, to savor the beautiful moments, to count our blessings and to meet ourselves!